Employee Engagement Reality

Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort into their work. Employee engagement is key factor directly impact enterprise productivity. For merging and high tech industry, employee engagement matters for: whose nature of job needs employee engaged and exerted great effort, and employee needs to be mature and be skillful in their position. Even though employee engagement matters, reality of employee engagement is disappointing.

Gallup initiated a study in 2010, which hold goal to get inside about employee engagement. Results of study is astonishing: After 1 year on the job 70% of U.S employees are not engaged at work: 33% Engaged, 49% Not Engaged and18% Actively Disengaged. In China the situation maybe even worse. Large portion of employee is actively disengaged, which means that they are physically present but psychologically absent. They are unhappy with their work situation and insist on sharing that unhappiness with their colleagues. Those part of employee is dissenter to management, and could damage work place atmosphere and organization culture. In the end, if not intervened, those part of employee may impair productivity.
Employee engagement influence productivity, and we still know little about productivity at individual level and how to manage it. Especially for knowledge worker, results of job are hard to measure and control, without engagement and passion in their job, individual level productivity cannot be achieved and guaranteed. Methodology and tool must be defined and invented to manage individual engagement and the enhance productivity at individual level which is precondition of enterprise productivity as whole.

作者: 远景顾问

Business consultant, focus on improving people, process and performance.


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